' Standard-Farbpalette Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, r As Integer, g As Integer, b As Integer Function fuehrNullHex(w As Integer, b As Integer)As String Dim h As String h = Hex(w) fuehrNullHex = String(b - Len(h), "0") + h End Function ScreenRes 720, 512, 8 Width 90, 32 For i=0 To 31 Locate 1 + i, 1 For j=0 To 7 Palette Get 8 * i + j, r, g, b If 2 * r + 3 * g + b > 768 Then Color 0, 8 * i + j Else Color 15, 8 * i + j EndIf Print " #" + fuehrNullHex(r, 2) + fuehrNullHex(g, 2) + fuehrNullHex(b, 2) + " "; Next j Next i Sleep